

1 Comment

I. Introduction
    a. My artwork explores the relationships between man, nature, and self in an attempt to show the unavoidable 
        coexistanceof our surroundings and ideas: the people we meet, the grass we walk across, and the concepts we cannot shake 
        are infinate and inescapable, and that is a beautiful thing.
    b. What, How, and Why

II. What
    a. types
        1. man-man
            i. solider/world
            ii. mortal love
            iii. evil
        2. man-self
            i. self-hate
            ii. acceptance
            iii. inspiration
        3. man-nature
            i.' saving' the world
            ii. destruction
            iii. nature giving to man
        4. nature-nature
            i. water splashing on tree creating color splatter

III. How
    a. acrylyic paint
        1. bright colors
        2. minimun detail
    a. photography
        1. in the moment; spontaneous
        2. editorial

IV. Why
    a. show importance of coexistance
    b. personify ideas and non-physical emtions and acts

V. Conclution
    a. (rephrase topic sentence)
    b. how these peices make me fee
1/2/2011 07:10:24 am

I like the comment on the right... yes, I'm her. All though after reading your outline I'm beginning to wonder ...

This is great, pretty huge is scope - but maybe you can pull it off. Dunno, let's talk.

<3 Ms. H


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    Oh, hey.

    If you're on this page you are probably Mrs. Heideman, so hey. If you're not her, then you are probably bored reading this so click on another tab.


    December 2010

