My collection of work demonstrates the influence of color, line, and pattern on both the heart and mind through non figurative works in an attempt to show optimism in its most realistic form. I have chosen to focus on non figurative works because I think in a way that they mirror realistic optimism: that although most of us can see the good or positive in the world, we all interpret what is good or positive, or what is potentiality or what will come next, differently.
I am using  Each work initializes cerebral and/or emotional stimulation, though nothing in the peice is recognizable nor palpable. The audience's reaction to and interpretation of each peice is reliant on personal experiences, thoughts, feelings, and mood, showing the interpretation of the viewer to be the most powerful of all insight ----- beauty is not beautiful unless you have develope a sense of personal beauty. I am hoping the show optimism in it's most realistic form because I am the most fascinated by a combination of color, line, and pattern that convey personal love,
I am Optimism, yet Reality. I am Calm, yet Feirce. I am Done, yet Ready. I am Power, I am Love.
Ms. H
5/9/2011 02:14:18 am

You need to refine this - it is far too general. We could say this about most any painting... what do you cant to express? That's what you have to say. What mood, feeling or idea is important to you. You must name it.

Ms. H.


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